Welcome the First Loon on Williams Lake, 2018

Early this morning we heard the faint cry...

...Moments later, the first loon we've spotted this year popped up from a dive.


So far we've just spotted the one lone loon. Last year we had a pair and their chick, or as some would prefer to call it "loonette", so we're hoping for another to arrive.

We're sure to have better pictures as the spring and summer roll on.

Love Loons?

Want to protect their habitat?

A donation of any size to the Nature Conservancy of Canada's Urban Wilderness Park on the shores of Williams Lake will help ensure that these beavers and their descendents will enjoy a safe, clean habitat forever!

For more details and to donate to the NCC online click here.

The Loons of Williams Lake Lake thank you!

First loon spotted on Williams Lake, April 8 2018
First loon spotted on Williams Lake, April 8 2018 [click to enlarge]
Welcome the First Loon on Williams Lake, 2018