“A diamond at our doorstep”

Many of you may already be aware that The Shaw Group has teamed up with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in relation to a new proposal to protect a significant portion of the Backlands for “Halifax’s finest urban nature experience”.
On Tuesday, April 26, a presentation was made to Halifax Regional Council, proposing “a mutually beneficial, three-way partnership for the protection of the Williams-Colpitt Lake site” – nearly 162 hectares of wilderness lands currently owned by The Shaw Group, which is the parent company of Clayton Developments.

“We have provided an evaluation and a discounted purchase price for the lands,” Allan Shaw, representing The Shaw Group, told Council. “We have listened to what the public has to say and the importance of these lands to the (city’s) future green network.”

Meanwhile, the Nature Conservancy of Canada offers to bring “financial investment, expertise and perspective to the establishment of one of Canada’s pre-eminent urban wilderness parks.” Speaking for the NCC, Nova Scotia Program Director Craig Smith described the lands as “a diamond at our doorstep”.

He and Mr. Shaw asked Council to provide direction to city staff to “negotiate an agreement in principle and report back to Regional Council with a recommendation by the last Council meeting in June”.

For more information about the proposal:

  • See maps outlining the proposed area for acquisition and other details in the presentation slides, available online in PDF format.
  • Watch an archived video of the April 26 Council proceedings; click on agenda item 12.3.1 – Nature Conservancy of Canada and The Shaw Group Limited re Potential Acquisition of Purcell’s Cove Lands, which will take you directly to the presentation and the Council debate that followed.
“A diamond at our doorstep”