Japanese Knotweed Removal [video]
Volunteers hacked out invasive weeds growing in Lawson’s Brook behind the Williams Lake dam in the Shaw Wilderness Park.
Established in 1968 for the Preservation of Williams Lake
Volunteers hacked out invasive weeds growing in Lawson’s Brook behind the Williams Lake dam in the Shaw Wilderness Park.
Poison ivy can cause red, swollen skin, blisters, and severe itching in a few hours of contact with the plant.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Doug van Hemessen wants you to enjoy your wilderness experience in the Shaw Wilderness Park. [Watch now]
Come and help the WLCC and Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) remove invasive plant species along Lawson’s Brook in the Shaw Wilderness Park from 9:30 AM-1:00 PM on August 1 (rain date August 2)
Bird surveys, LakeWatchers program, Lake Water Quality testing, HRM’s Regional Review, Backlands additions, a fix for the dam, the expansion of the Shaw Wilderness Park and more have kept us busy this year. We will be reporting on these important projects at our Annual General Meeting and invite you to join us to get a sense of how you and your family can be citizen environmentalists.
Shaw Wilderness Park just Super-Sized! Healthy Lake Water Quality Tests Results! Successful Bird Watching Series and Surveys! A Fix for the Dam are just some of the headlines in our 2024 Newsletter. And don’t forget our AGM coming up on June 11th. Read more….