Reports & Studies

Join the WLCC at our AGM

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Bird surveys, LakeWatchers program, Lake Water Quality testing, HRM’s Regional Review, Backlands additions, a fix for the dam, the expansion of the Shaw Wilderness Park and more have kept us busy this year. We will be reporting on these important projects at our Annual General Meeting and invite you to join us to get a sense of how you and your family can be citizen environmentalists.

Backlands Coalition submits comments to the Regional Plan Review

Image of the Purcells Cove Backlands

The Backlands Coalition, of which the Williams Lake Conservation Company is a member, has submitted detailed comments to the HRM Regional Plan Review as part of the HRM consultation process.

Our submission highlights issues of special importance to HRM, the nearby communities of Spryfield, Williams Lake, Purcells Cove, Fergusons Cove and parts of Herring Cove that surround the Backlands.