Breakthrough on Road Salting

A many of you know, the health of Williams Lake is impacted by salt making its way into the water. Road salting in the Williams Lake area was resumed in January 2015, after roughly 2 decades of a “no salt policy”. This resulted in large quantities of rock salt accumulating on area roads, where it was in danger of washing into the lake. The WLCC has been working with HRM staff to reverse the road salting policy since that date. We’re thrilled to announce that HRM has listened to our many arguments and appeals, and has now agreed to return once again to a “no salt policy”.
This is a real victory for the health of the Williams Lake watershed. To see further details, including a list of the affected streets, please click on the link below to view the Memorandum from HRM. In addition, residents who spot evidence of salting on the streets mentioned in the Memorandum should be good citizens and report the occurrence to 311.
To view the Memorandum from HRM click here.