Williams Lake Dam Association formed to address decrepit dam

(photo: M&R Kerr)
Residents and recreational users of Williams Lake have begun a campaign to address the extremely low water levels experienced in recent years. This year the lake is down over 5 feet.They have formed The Williams Lake Dam Association (WLDA) with the specific goal of addressing the issue of the dam which has been leaking and crumbling for years.
With municipal elections looming, the WLDA is appealing to the community of all those who enjoy and care for the lake to contact HRM candidates directly and during online debates.
You can download the WLDA Get Loud! flyer here (PDF, 3 pages) or read it below (mouse over bottom and click arrows to flip pages).
WLDA20200912-Dam-CampaignThe Williams Lake Dam Assoc. says “Get Loud!”