Bird Watching Hikes – Spring Series 2023
Williams Lake Conservation Company
Captain William Spry Community Library
By: Cathy Vaughan, Martha Leary
Photos: Joshua Barss Donham
Dozens of colourful birds were sighted by enthusiastic, newbie bird watchers on our spring series of educational bird-tours. Fulton Lavender, WLCC’s bird guide, identified birds and explained what to look for when identifying birds. The Shaw Wilderness Park on Williams Lake and the rugged Osprey Ridge trail in the McIntosh Run Regional Park of the Backlands in Spryfield were ideal locations for the new birders.
Newbie birders were treated to sightings of the American Kestrel, our smallest raptor, Tree Swallow, Turkey Vulture, Bald Eagle and Osprey (our Provincial Bird!) on one or more of the walks. The children on the walks were able to see birds like the Chickadee, American Robin and Blue Jay.
Two unusual birds, the Belted Kingfisher and the Broad-winged Hawk, were seen on Williams Lake. The Barred Owl and Saw-whet Owl are nocturnal but their soft sounds were heard by birders in the Shaw Wilderness Park even though the owls were hidden from sight. Very exciting for all the birders.
A total of 53 people participated in the 4 walks, and 9 of the participants were children. The number of species of birds identified on each walk ranged between 21 and 24 species. A happy, successful birding tour again this year.