Summer water quality sampling completes

Williams Lake summer water quality sampling for HRM’s LakeWatchers program is complete!

by: Katharine Ryder Studholme, MSc

Stephen Glazier with water quality gear

WLCC directors Katie Studholme and Stephen Glazier said it was a perfect day to be out on the water. There were numerous swimmers and paddlers, as well as lots of osprey and kingfisher activity.

Lake water properties change with depth and time of year, so these are important factors to consider when monitoring lake health. WLCC performed spring water quality sampling back in May and just completed summer sampling this past Sunday. At the deepest point in the lake (~19m), we measured water properties every meter from the surface to the bottom – this is referred to as a lake ‘profile’. Measurements included water clarity, temperature, acidity, oxygen levels, and salt levels. We also collected water samples that are currently being analyzed for nutrients, chlorophyll a, and bacteria (E. coli).

LakeWatchers data and additional water quality data collected by the WLCC are used to ensure our lake stays healthy for people and wildlife.

Look for a post sharing results in the near future!

LakeWatchers Sampling Gear
Katie Studholme (L) and Stephen Glazier (R)
with LakeWatchers Sampling Gear
Summer water quality sampling completes