Big Issues with small lot in Spryfield: Catamaran Pond’s Wetlands at risk
The Williams Lake Conservation Conservation Company (WLCC) is asking for your support. A proposed zoning change in the area of Catamaran Ponds, Spryfield, is under consideration by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). Water from Catamaran Ponds flows into Colpitt and Williams Lakes. On behalf of Halifax residents who enjoy these lakes, the WLCC is raising the issue of how development next to the ponds will degrade water quality and disrupt water flow to the lakes.
A local developer has applied to HRM for rezoning of the lots at 48 and 50 Old Sambro Road. Rezoning will allow a multi-unit (13) building and underground parking. Those lots are next to one of the Catamaran Ponds and the stream that leads into the ponds. The very steep slopes on the property would require a lot of movement of soil.
The rezoning application has been made and HRM planners are collecting information. The next step is public engagement where HRM planners ask local people for feedback on the rezoning request. During the restrictions of Covid-19, community engagement is by post and Internet.
Briefly, the rezoning and development of the land will cause disruption to the feeder stream and the Catamaran Ponds that include significant wetland marshes. These marshes and ponds are already overwhelmed by residential development: behind properties adjacent to 48 and 50 Old Sambro Road and near the ends of Spencer Ave, Lewis St, Lovell Ln, Feruz Cres, Spry Ave and Catamaran Rd. The additional stress created by a large development may be catastrophic to the wetlands.

To preserve the water in our watershed, oppose the rezoning. The disruption caused by creating a multi-unit building is likely to harm the function of the wetlands and the water source for Colpitt and Williams Lakes. Concerns include how the people, wildlife, trees and plants currently use that wetland. Volunteers are making observations of the water itself, the birds and wildlife in the area. This marsh is one of the largest along the near coastal areas of Halifax. Please use addresses below to contact Jennifer Chapman HRM Planning. Tell her your concerns about the impact of rezoning. Let her know how you value the Catamaran Ponds area and the lakes that depend on it.
What can YOU do?
- Read the zoning application applications/case-22890-48-50-old-sambro-road-halifax
- Complete the online survey found at that link
- Write to the HRM Planner Jennifer Chapman (email link) or by post at Jennifer Chapman, HRM Planning Department, Halifax Regional Municipality, PO Box 1749, Halifax, NS B3J 3A5 • Call Jennifer Chapman 902-225-6742
- Stay up to date with WLCC on this website,
From Halifax Regional Municipality Planning:
WM Fares Architects has made a planning application request to rezone lands at Old Sambro Road from R-2P (General Residential) Zone to R-3 (General Residential and Low-Rise Apartment) Zone to enable the development of an apartment building. The R-2P Zone permits a range of single unit, 2 unit and four unit dwellings while the R-3 Zone will allow those uses plus, townhouse units, stacked townhouse units, apartment buildings up to a maximum of four storeys and day care facilities.
Please visit the website at : to find out more information about the application or to complete an online survey. If you would like to speak with someone about this proposal, please contact Jennifer Chapman at the contact information below.
Information provided to staff will be shared with the applicant and will also be considered in the staff recommendation report that will go to Halifax and West Community Council. Feedback will be received up to the date of the public hearing, however feedback received prior to Friday, February 26th, 2021 will be considered in the staff recommendation report to Halifax and West Community Council.
Jennifer Chapman – Planner III
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