The Former Church of Christ Land has been added to the Shaw Wilderness Park extending protection of the Williams Lake shoreline and its watershed

“About a year ago, I put an in-camera motion forward for Halifax to buy the Church of Christ
Councillor Shawn Cleary, District 9 – Halifax West Armdale, 10 May 2024
properties. Council agreed!!! Our real estate staff have spent the last year appraising and
negotiating a purchase. We completed it this week. Shaw will be significantly expanded, and the
entire shore of Williams Lake will be protected.”
Public Service Announcement
Municipality’s purchase of land near Shaw Wilderness Park
Friday, May 10, 2024 – (Halifax, N.S.) – The Halifax Regional Municipality has
purchased four parcels of land totaling approximately 46 hectares, located to the west of
Shaw Wilderness Park, in Halifax.
The municipality intends to use most of this land to add to Shaw Wilderness Park,
providing additional opportunities for wilderness recreation and nature appreciation.
These acquisitions align with the municipality’s 2021-25 Strategic Priorities Plan in
obtaining land to contribute to the municipality’s regional wilderness parks.
Approximately 10 hectares near existing streets and utilities will be retained for potential
future uses.
The land being added to Shaw Wilderness Park will be incorporated into future park
planning. This process will include public consultation, as well as collaboration with the
Nature Conservancy of Canada, which partnered with the municipality in establishing
the original Shaw Wilderness Park lands. More information will be made available once
these details are determined.
May 10, 2024