
HRM to Recommend Province Take on Williams Lake Dam

Williams Lake Dam

HRM’s Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee (ESSC) addressed the much-anticipated staff report on the Williams Lake dam. The staff report fell flat in several areas, but the big take-away is the recommendation that Halifax Regional Council request the mayor to ask the province to assume responsibility for repairs or replacement of the Williams Lake dam.

UPDATE: Rezoning of 48-50 Old Sambro Road (Case #22890) defeated

HRM rezoning sign

Halifax & West Community Council last night rejected the motion to ‘upzone’ the properties at 48 & 50 Old Sambro Road from R2 to R3. This defeat prevents R3 zoning which would have allowed a three story apartment building with underground parking next to Governors Brook and Catamaran Ponds which flow into Colpitt Lake and on down to Williams Lake.

Fire Destroys. Nature Restores.

Williams Lake Fire

There were two major fires in Spryfield in 2009 and 2012. Camp fires, near Roaches Pond, in the MacIntosh Run area started the massive fire in the spring of 2009. The ferocious blaze threatened lives, destroyed homes, razed property and incinerated acres of pristine, forested barrens in the Purcells Cove Conservation Lands. More than 100 firefighters and five water bombers were used to fight the inferno.