The Williams Lake Conservation Company
together with The Canadian Wildlife Federation and Watersheds Canada
prepares to launch the Love Your Lake program
Dear Williams Lake Shoreline Property Owners,

Properties on Williams Lake all share the use and beauty of the lake. We also share responsibility for maintaining the natural balance of the lake’s water quality as well as the wilderness flora and fauna. We know that how we manage our property’s shoreline is important, but exactly what things should we keep in mind?
The Williams Lake Conservation Company is partnering with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Watersheds Canada to bring you their successful shoreline evaluation program, Love Your Lake.
In the coming days volunteers from the WLCC will be knocking on the doors of lakeshore property homes to distribute an information package about Love Your Lake , including a survey of your interests and thoughts on your use of the lake and any concerns you have.
Soon, the LYL technicians will be surveying all property shorelines of Williams Lake from the water in a canoe or small boat. As they view your property from the water they will be collecting data on the condition of shoreline vegetation, algae on surface water, as well as lakeside docks & buildings.
The Love Your Lake shoreline survey data will be compiled and a report created specific to your property. These reports are confidential and free. Printable copies in PDF format will be made available online, accessible with a private survey code that will be emailed to you. You can also order printed copies for a $20 fee.
In addition to the information package delivered to your home you can visit for more information and to hear the experience of participants in the program.