Backlands Spring Migration: Black-backed Woodpecker
This inky black bird with a sharp white stripe on his face is “nearly synonymous” with periodically burned forests like the Backlands, where it feasts on big, juicy wood-boring beetle larvae.
Established in 1968 for the Preservation of Williams Lake
This inky black bird with a sharp white stripe on his face is “nearly synonymous” with periodically burned forests like the Backlands, where it feasts on big, juicy wood-boring beetle larvae.
Many Hermit Thrushes established their second nests this season.
A fairly small bird, with a short, triangular crest and long fan-shaped tail, seen in the Church of Christ lands, Williams Lake watershed.
Sighted in the “flyway corridor” of the Purcell’s Cove Backlands
Which way does the water flow? The Williams Lake Watershed is surprisingly extensive, reaching from far north along Dunbrack Street (formerly Northwest Arm Drive), west and south into Spryfield, and beyond the Shaw Wilderness Park on the south and east end of the lake.