Update: potential blue-green algae bloom

A potential blue-green algae bloom had been reported at the dam end of Williams Lake. Not surprisingly, the water level in Williams Lake has risen 40 cm since Friday morning and is now 22 cm above the top of the dam and may still be rising. Lawson Creek has overflowed its banks but the path into the dam was still above the level of the overflow water this morning.

Sharing the Care

Lake mirrors clouds

What do you get for $20 in these days of shrink-flation? The $20 yearly membership fee to the Williams Lake Conservation Company (WLCC) will net you a couple of scientists, a group of practising conservationists, several sharp researchers, a collection of computer wizards, and a squad of seasoned retirees from urban planning, education, law, and journalism. At no extra cost we’ll throw in a retired public servant who knows how to speak ‘government!’ An impressive lineup of volunteers, who continue to donate their expertise to caring for and protecting Williams Lake and its huge watershed. [Reprinted with permission from Chebucto News, June 2023]