Catamaran Ponds – Headwaters of Williams Lake
What connects the Long Lake Village on Dunbrack Street in Spryfield with the Shaw Wilderness Park on the Purcells Cove Road? The Catamaran Ponds.
Established in 1968 for the Preservation of Williams Lake
What connects the Long Lake Village on Dunbrack Street in Spryfield with the Shaw Wilderness Park on the Purcells Cove Road? The Catamaran Ponds.
In August 2020 Ducks Unlimited Canada published their report on the wetlands on the Church of Christ Development Ltd. adjacent to the Shaw Wilderness Park on the shores of Williams Lake.
“A tipping point has been reached. Any further development would likely push the lake past its capacity to survive as a lake.”
The Purcell’s Cove Backlands are a “Flyway Corridor” for raptors and many other migrating birds, coming back to the Williams Lake area.