UPDATE: Rezoning of 48-50 Old Sambro Road (Case #22890) defeated

Halifax and West Community Council rejects Sambro Road rezoning

[Updated 7:25pm November 17]

Halifax & West Community Council last night rejected the motion to ‘upzone’ the properties at 48 & 50 Old Sambro Road from R2 to R3. This defeat prevents R3 zoning which would have allowed a three story apartment building with underground parking next to Governors Brook and Catamaran Ponds which flow into Colpitt Lake and on down to Williams Lake.

The developer can appeal the decision and staff recommended it move to a public hearing.

Councillor Patty Cuttell spoke to the motion and questioned whether the land could accommodate such a building given watercourse setback requirements and the extreme slope down to the brook and the Catamaran Ponds. She also noted that this is a wildlife corridor to and from Long Lake Provincial Park.

Joining her against the rezoning were Councillors Iona Stoddard and Kathryn Morse.

Work continues… to protect wetlands, wildlife and the Governors Brook, Colpitt and Williams Lakes watershed. Meanwhile, the Halifax Green Network Plan is progressing and is mandated to “maintain ecologically and culturally important land and aquatic systems.” It will have to be taken into consideration for future planning decisions like Case #22890.

A big thank you to Councillor Patty Cuttell as well as all the WLCC and Spryfield Defenders members and the many friends of the Williams Lake watershed who expressed their concerns to their district councillors and directly to the Halifax & West Community Council as the vote came down to the wire.

If you are interested in details of the discussion and the Council process, the video of the November 16, 2021 Halifax and West Community Council is available online here.

The idea of adding paths or a boardwalk through the Catamaran Pond area has been discussed locally and, although not part of the Council deliberations, local groups will be considering the possibility of pursuing the concept of a parkland corridor.

HRM rezoning sign
HRM rezoning sign at 48-50 Old Sambro Road

UPDATE: Rezoning of 48-50 Old Sambro Road (Case #22890) defeated