
Join the WLCC at our AGM

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Bird surveys, LakeWatchers program, Lake Water Quality testing, HRM’s Regional Review, Backlands additions, a fix for the dam, the expansion of the Shaw Wilderness Park and more have kept us busy this year. We will be reporting on these important projects at our Annual General Meeting and invite you to join us to get a sense of how you and your family can be citizen environmentalists.

Fix for dam discussed

disintegrating Williams Lake dam

The WLCC and partner organization Williams Lake Dam Association (WLDA) have been meeting with various government departments for almost 2 years advocating for a fix for the Williams Lake dam. Recently, Minister of Public Works Kim Masland asked Nova Scotia Lands Inc., a crown corporation, to meet with the two groups for a preliminary discussion on the current state of the Williams Lake dam and the safety issues with the dramatic fluctuation in lake levels. (photo: Cathy Vaughan)