
Backlands Coalition submits comments to the Regional Plan Review

Image of the Purcells Cove Backlands

The Backlands Coalition, of which the Williams Lake Conservation Company is a member, has submitted detailed comments to the HRM Regional Plan Review as part of the HRM consultation process.

Our submission highlights issues of special importance to HRM, the nearby communities of Spryfield, Williams Lake, Purcells Cove, Fergusons Cove and parts of Herring Cove that surround the Backlands.

Input sought on NS Protected Areas Strategy

Backlands map

Nova Scotians are invited to help shape the approach for protecting 20 percent of the province’s land and water by 2030.

An online public consultation started August 23, at the province’s Collaborative Protected Areas Strategy Engagement page.

The input will be used to develop the Nova Scotia Collaborative Protected Areas Strategy, which will outline how the Province will achieve its 2030 land and water conservation goals and identify next steps.

Sharing the Care

Lake mirrors clouds

What do you get for $20 in these days of shrink-flation? The $20 yearly membership fee to the Williams Lake Conservation Company (WLCC) will net you a couple of scientists, a group of practising conservationists, several sharp researchers, a collection of computer wizards, and a squad of seasoned retirees from urban planning, education, law, and journalism. At no extra cost we’ll throw in a retired public servant who knows how to speak ‘government!’ An impressive lineup of volunteers, who continue to donate their expertise to caring for and protecting Williams Lake and its huge watershed. [Reprinted with permission from Chebucto News, June 2023]